Easter in Photos and Getting to Know Me!

 (Happy Spring!)

This weekend was wonderful! It was so great to get to spend time with my family! It had been a while since I had gotten to see them, and this weekend was much-needed. Saturday was really chill, nothing too exciting, and then today we went to church, had an Easter meal at my grandma's, opened Easter baskets, and colored and hid eggs. All in all, it was a superb weekend!

On my way to church :) I love this dress a lot!

Happy Easter!

The kiddies coloring eggs

 My precious cousin Alyssa 'foiling' her egg

With one of her 3 Easter baskets

With Riley, Alyssa's puppy. Is he cute or what? Millie would be so jealous!

Hope you had a fabulous Easter weekend!!

Now, for one of my favorite things about Sundays! Getting to know you! Well, getting to know me, actually!

1. Showers or baths?
Shower, please!
2. Do you have any crazy urges?
Sometimes I have the urge to just throw something. When I get really cranked up about something I usual play a scene out in my mind of me just busting something against a wall. I'm not a violent person, though, I promise! Please say you'll still be my friend?

3. What is one thing we don't know about you?
Peaches are my favorite fruit.

  4. Exercise..love it or hate it?
Well, can I kinda love it?? I mean, I don't hate it....
5. Do you think you have a good body image?
Yes, on most days I do. I have days just like anyone when I feel a little down on myself, but for the most part I do have a good body image.

6. Flour or corn tortillas?
Both! I don't care. I love me some Mexican cuisine!
7. How do you celebrate Easter?
New dress, Easter basket, church, coloring/hiding eggs with my cousin Alyssa (see picture above), eating a yummy Easter meal
8. Hard boiled Easter eggs or plastic eggs?
Hard boiled, for sure. You can't color plastic eggs!

Ok, people, there you have it! A wonderful Easter and a new installment of Getting to know YOU! Thank you so much to Miss Keely for hosting GTKY, now head on over there and link up!!

Wishing you a happy Monday, everyone! I'm on spring break!! Woo hoo!

(Photos via weheartit)


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