It's Tuesday again, and you know what that means! It's time for a new round of Top Two Tuesday! I have grown to love participating in Taylor's weekly link up, and I'm pretty sure you will too! So, head on over there and grab the button and play along! This week's topic is....
Top Two things you can't live without:
My cell phone
I am a communication freak! I would be completely lost if I didn't have my cell phone. I hate that I'm so attached and dependent on it, but hey, what are ya gonna do, ya know? Not to mention I'm an only child and my parents call me a lot!
If makeup companies stopped manufacturing mascara I'm pretty certain that I would start a riot. I know this item is somewhat random but by now you know how I love mascara, especially the product pictured above! It's my favorite part of my makeup routine. Long, flirty lashes make me feel so glamorous!
Ok so, losing my cell phone or mascara would make me one
So, let's talk just a sweet second about the second part of that post title up there. I know y'all are curious, right? Just humor me, then, ok?!
(You take the good, you take the bad, you take them both
and there you have the facts of life, the facts of life)
Remember Miss Blair Warner from The Facts of Life? Well, someone told me this weekend that I remind them of her. Is it the accent? My personality? Who knows, but I kinda liked the comment as Blair was my absolute favorite! Just thought I would share that tidbit with you all! Have you ever been compared like that? Please share!
Have a fabulous Tuesday, people!
(Photos via google)
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