I mentioned in my first getting ready post that my Mama & her BFF made me a Bridal Survival Kit for the big day. Many of you have been itching to know what all they included. I was planning on doing a ceremony recap (and talkin' bout our crazy officiant) but I've had an atrocious day and I'm simply NOT in the mood. I'll do that post tomorrow after I've had a good night of sleep (and 4 Thin Mints) to put me in a better mood. So, without further adieu, here is my Bridal Survivial Kit List!
- Kleenex: Mama put in a three pack because I may or may not be known for bawling like a baby at weddings. (And sad movies, and funerals, and while watching A Baby Story, and some Wednesdays.) This came in handy because, SURPRISE!, I cried before the doors even opened. (There is a picture of my ugly cry face coming down the aisle.)
- Baby wipes: She put in a travel pack for me to use either on our wedding day or during our honeymoon. I love having baby wipes because lord knows when you'll get something on your hands.
- Gum: Duh. This was to keep PB from having to deal with my breath after eating hummus chips, Reese's cup and bbq chicken pizza all afternoon. The mimosas only masked so much! (And people were worried I'd forget to eat... Pssshhhhhhh. Have you met me?!) I didn't use the gum before or during the ceremony but I popped a piece going into the reception!
- Wisps: These are super handy for fresh breath as well. They are like tiny-mini toothbruhses with toothpaste built in. They fit perfectly in a clutch and are good for doing a quick brush after dinner to get any green bits or mask any garlic you've eaten.
- Mini Lint Roller: As the proud owner of an obese chihuahua and 2 kitties, I am the QUEEN of the lint roller. I must have one every single place I go. However, this was wedding day appropriate because my bridesmaids were wearing black and had they had any lint/hairs/ fuzz, it would have been very obvious. I used it on my wedding gown because there were a couple of strings and hairs from the last fitting that were missed.
- Advil: No explanation needed. This was the first thing I busted open.
- Travel container of Q-tips: You never know when you'll need to touch up makeup quickly (or get a huge glob of ear wax, even thought you're totally not supposed to use them for that (but um whothehell doesn't?!))
- Mini sewing kit: Brides lifesaver. This comes in super handy if you quickly need to tack something or if you lose a button or have zipper issues. Luckily I had only minor dress issues that did not need any actual sewing, but this would have been perfect!
- Mini-deodorant: Fantastic for a quick touch up after the ceremony or during the reception! It fits perfectly in a clutch and I don't know about you all... but I sweat like it's my job. This is something a bride my definitely forget!
- Double-stick tape: Technically this was not in my Bridal-survival kit but my amazing Maid of Honor brought some and it came in SO handy. See... turns out I lost a little too much weight and while you couldn't really tell the mid-section of the dress was too big (which it was) because of all of the boning, you could DEFINITELY tell at the top because when I bent over event a tad you could see my undergarments almost down to my bellybutton! after 3 pieces of double-stick tape were wrangled into place, nothing could be seen but a small (ish) amount of cleavage. (Side note to brides... STOP LOSING WEIGHT AFTER THE FIRST FITTING! My dress looked soooo much better when I bought it and was 20 lbs heavier. It fit my then body and the alterations did not make it look nearly as good as it did when I bought it. Oops!)
- Bobby-Pins: Hair ALWAYS needs bobby-pins. Perfect thing to include!
Finally here are some a few items that were not in the goodie bag because I already had them, but I don't think you could go wrong with giving them to ladies about to tie the knot.
- Lip gloss. A girl always needs lip gloss/stick (I just prefer gloss) to touch up even after the makeup artist has left. I reapplied my lip gloss like 500 times. (Ok, maybe I exaggerate... More like 498 times.)
- Makeup remover: Many brides (aka ME) forget this... Sephora has little bottles for under $3. This is also helpful is the bride is leaving straight for the honeymoon. The Sephora one I picked up was under 3oz and I took it with me to Maui.
- Tweezers: We've already mentioned my tweezing problem. I'm a stray hair's worst nightmare. I forgot mine and then while I was getting ready I found like 4 inappropriate eyebrow hairs that needed removal. Thank goodness Jami had some!
Stay tuned for Ceremony Recap later!
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