So we finally made some time tonight to go see The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. It was good, but I don't think it screams Oscar - it just wasn't polished enough in terms of direction, plot and the streamline of its movement was a bit off, but it was a great movie and a beautiful film!!!
With the Oscars coming up, I have to say - Brad Pitt, though not an actor I enjoy or fancy much, was quite good in the movie. But I don't know how anyone watched him enough to decide he should get an Oscar nod - how can you pay attention to him when he's next to Kate Blanchett? She's flawless in every way and absolutely exquisite in this movie! A true Hollywood beauty! It was nice to see her play a woman - just a normal woman. She's always playing Hepburn or Bob Dylan or some stuffy queen with ruffles round her neck - her normalcy and true beauty were characters in this movie and she was brilliant!

Just look at her in this Doctor Zhivago shot - she's just stunning - I am so jealous of this hat!

In other news - there's something wrong right now. It's absolutely FREEZING here!!! Like almost winter! Windy as hell too! I might even get a chance to wear boots and tights tomorrow - is that tacky in the Caribbean? I mean, it is really cold! Y'all have a good night!!1
Pink Julep
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