Showing off MY favorite single lady...

As many of you know Kelly over at Kelly's Korner does a little match-making every once in a while. This week we were asked to "Show Us Your Singles!" and I (with her agreement) decided to show off my BFF Hopsy.

I can't BELIEVE she is STILL single!! Can YOU?

Well for those of you who aren't lucky enough to be attached at the hip with her like moi, here is a little about her: Hopsy is in her mid-twenties, graduated early from college with a double major in art history and spanish. She's speaks Spanish fluently and volunteers teaching ESL classes in her spare time. She has a wonderful job that keeps her on her toes and is involved in the Junior League of Dallas and a few other social clubs.

Hopsy is a truly wonderful person. She's always around when I want to complain or whine, she ALWAYS can make me laugh and put a smile on my face regardless of my mood. She kind and compassionate and is often worried more about others than herself. She never forgets a birthday or an important event and is always enthusiastic when I share exciting news (even when it isn't really that exciting.) She also is very involved in her community and her church and is always thinking of ways that she can help those less fortunate than herself.

She is also GORGEOUS! I mean look at her!! Tall, blonde and with legs I would DIE for! She is always put together and always puts my hobo-chic outfits to shame. She's witty, intelligent and super fun to talk to. We literally spend at least 70% of each day chatting and I have yet to be bored by any of our conversations. She is as conservative as I am liberal but is respectful enough to be my BFF even if we do disagree on every single political issue.

I can't fathom why any cute Dallas boys haven't snatched her up, but they better grab her soon! She's some grade A arm candy! So if you are, or know of, a good lookin', smart, successful, christian, conservative fellow in the Dallas area, you need to HOOK. A. GIRL. UP.

I mean y'all better find her someone before PB decides to leave me at the alter... Wait, is it too late to rescind her wedding invite?!

For her contact info send me an email at


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