Pink Julep in the Kitchen: Fiber One Banana Nut Muffins

I love Fiber One cereals and bars so I flipped when I saw this in the grocery store the other day. I just made them this evening so we'd have breakfast for the next few days and man, these are DELICIOUS!!! And healthy! My girlfriend in NYC was a Weight Watchers gal and she used to say that any Fiber One product had all the dietary fiber required for an entire day... she said something about how dietary fiber helps you to lose weight? I'm not in Weight Watchers nor am I an expert, but it sounded good to me and I've been digging the Fiber One products ever since!

If you're a lover of banana nut bread but like me, don't have the patience to ripen bananas before baking, then you'll love these muffins! Happy baking!

Pink Julep!


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