I have seen a lot of posts from different people regarding comments and the lack thereof - I just wanted to post something about that...
Comments are lovely and we all love to get them - I know they brighten my day! But I want to say that if you're not getting all the comments you'd like, don't be discouraged cause it may not be an indication of anything... I, for example often read my blog during breaks/lunch at work and though I can read a blog, my computer or whatever is blocked from posting comments or posting. Often times I don't comment just because I forget to do so when I get home at night...
Anyway, the point is, don't be discouraged - keep on bloggin... the comments will come eventually!!! I can only speak for myself, but if I'm following your blog it's because I'm either trying it out for a while or because I'm reading it every day and loving it - but I don't always have the opportunity to comment! :-)
Pink Julep
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