I just received this peach of a comment:
Well it shouldn't be hard to lose the weight since you don't work. Get your lazy ass to the gym!! Must be nice sitting at home all day eating bon bons. #ihatelazypeople |
Dear "lauar,"
Thank you SO much for the blatantly obvious cure all! I mean, I guess working at Starbucks part time while I look for a legal job really doesn't count as work. Yes. I guess I am lazy... I guess that's also why I worked the full 20 hours allowed during my entire stint in law school, in addition to being President to the largest organization on campus and interning... and managed to graduate with honors & a concentration. Not to mention the full 40 hours a week I worked during my last year of college... Again while graduating with honors. Gosh. I am THE laziest person alive.
And the gym? What is THAT? I must never have mentioned that I go 5 times a week... that I've run 3 5Ks... Or that I spin 3 times a week. Or that I've already lost 90 pounds. Geez. WHY DIDN'T I EVER THINK TO GO TO THE GYM!? It's such a novel idea that maybe I'll go today. Oh right... I'm already signed up for a spin class! I forgot. All the laziness is making me forgetful.
And sitting around eating BonBons?! HOW DID YOU KNOW!? I mean, while it is true that I don't even know what a "bonbon" is, I guess you could substitute apples while I "sit at home" and by sit at home are you referring to at 4AM when I'm sleeping before I go into work? Orrrrr, do you mean at 11 when I get off and come home and clean the house before going to the gym and cooking dinner for my husband? Because I'm technically sitting right now... and I'm eating an apple. While the laundry finishes and before I vaccuum. Or are you referring to when I spend 2 hours a day applying for jobs and emailing my resume out? I mean, I usually just have a tea then... but you know... tea, "bonbons", apples? I guess they are all the same.
But thank you SO much for your comment! It really made my day. Now, I'm going to go google "BonBons" to discover what they are before I finish cleaning and get my clothes ready for WORK tomorrow.
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