Hark the sound of Tar Heel Voices...

Yesterday was Carolina's University Day. Carolina Clubs (Alum Groups) across the U.S. and abroad celebrated by having a day of service for our respective communites. As a member of the Boston Carolina Club I made the trek over to Jamaica Plain, with other alums, to spend 2 hours volunteering at Community Servings.

Community Servings is a non-profit organization that started out preparing and delivering hot meals to people in the Boston area that were struggling with HIV/AIDS. Over the past 20 years Community Services has expanded their reach and they now deliver over 377,000 free, homestyle meals to 1,450 people per year who are too sick to cook for themselves of their families. They provide customized, nutritionally packed lunch, dinner and snack for clients with 35 different life-threatening illnesses, and their care givers and dependent children.

I arrived a little early and shopped in the Farmer's Market that was set up in their parking lot. In addition to providing meals they also host a weekly Farmer's Market in a partnership with Heaven's Harvest Farm, Millbrook Farm and Blue Frog Bakery to address the limited access to fresh, local produce in Jamaica Plain. According to their website their Farmer's Market has one of the highest redemption rates of food stamps of any market in the city!

We then headed inside and had orientation. They explained their mission, and what types of programs and volunteer options they have, and what we would be doing that night. We were then led through a very thorough food safety seminar. Since they deliver meals to people with serious illnesses, food safety is imperative. After our hairnets were donned, our hands washed, and aprons tied on, we were put work shelling green beans and preparing parsley for the next morning. I had a blast! I stepped outside of my comfort zone and ended up meeting a bunch of wonderful alums as well as helping my community.

I plan to go back and volunteer on my own, as well as start attending a nutrition and healthy eating series they offer  that is led by their in house dietician. It's completely free to the public and teaches you about healthy eating! I also plan to purchase a pie (or 5) for their Pie In the Sky fundraising drive.

What all have y'all done to help your community this year?


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