Swinging In Heaven

 My dear sweet Bumpkin on a Swing,

I will miss you so. You touched my life, if only for a short time, in your beautiful Bumpkin way. Your life was taken too quickly, but for some reason God needs you up there with him. Maybe to watch over us? I know he had a swing ready for you, there's no doubt in my mind.

No one will ever be able to create a post the way you did, or bring such a smile and happiness with their comments. Your personality was infectious, and the love you brought to the blog world will never be forgotten.

You can read the full story over at Trish's. My darling Trish spent the last few days with Lisa, holding her hand, laughing, crying, giving all she had in the last few hours of Lisa's life.
My heart is broken today, as it has been over the past three weeks since I found out about Lisa's diagnosis. I'm overwhelmed with emotions. As I said yesterday, I will return soon, but right now it's just too much.


Lisa, I love you. I will miss you incredibly. Save a place on that swing for me.

All my love,



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