Where It All Began

*** Please note that if you are not interested in every photo and detail associated with our recent wedding, you might wanna read some other blogs for a while. We are picture people and proud of our special day - well special 2 weeks and excited to share with you while also documenting the experience! If you do like these things - ENJOY!!!! xo

It all started on September 1, 2008 when my fella proposed to me on a pier during a beautiful sunset with brie, crackers and champagne here in Cayman on our 3 year anniversary with this ring...

Fast forward nearly 10 months later and here we were on our day off before leaving the island to get married, enjoying some beautiful Cayman weather.

We had planned to spend the morning at the spa and the afternoon by the pool working on our wedding tans, but I guess the weatherman upstairs had a different plan for us - check out the standing water in the street in front of our car! YIKES!!!

So we opted to see a movie instead - The Proposal, which was perfectly themed and GREAT!!!! My sweetie was so nice to wait in line for tickets while I shopped around for last minute supplies!

When we came out of the theatre, there was a band playing, so we took some time to enjoy a little country music!!!
We went home and finished our packing in time to get about 3 hours sleep before a VERY early and VERY LONG day of travelling! We started around 6am and arrived at my parents' house in Kentucky at 1am - being nervous, I basically stayed up for like 48 hours and was tired when I arrived... Who could sleep with such excitement!!!

All packed and ready to go!

Couldn't resist this shot! So cute!!!
In the morning I woke up and made instant muffins & coffee - yes, I'm super woman! Here are our mugs we bought in Ireland - I thought they were an appropriate choice for the day!!!

Very sleepy in the airport... I can't believe I actually got up to straighten my hair and do make-up, but I didn't want to look all yucky in our airport pictures! DUH!

A couple of hours and 3 cups of coffee later we were a little more awake!

After a long delay, things just started getting silly...

But eventually our plane came and we had a long, excrutiatingly painful day of travel with two connections and two more delays - followed by a trip to Best Buy for Father's Day & Graduation gifts along with a few little things for ourselves and then a 3 1/2 hour drive to Eastern Kentucky to stay with my parents for a few days.
Sheesh, we were tired, but I was so excited that I hardly slept then either and was up and at em by 7:30am sans alarm clock!!!
More to come, but for now, off to get a pizza with my new hubs and catch a movie maybe!!!
Pink Julep!


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