{weekend links, on tuesday}






. . . and if there was ever any doubt that summer is the best time ever, this weekend would certainly change all views to the contrary -- there was saturday brunch on a leafy terrace {toad in the hole with mozzarella and prosciutto, and an elderflower mimosa}, sunday brunch on a balcony terrace {eggs benedict with lemon hollandaise sauce on a freshly baked croissant, and a bellini}, a film {the trip -- have you seen?}, a blanket & books in the park and vanilla coconut cupcakes, and most of all, many, many moments drenched in sunlight . . .

hope you had an impossibly beautiful weekend, and that your week is off to a perfect start, roséline xo


a f e w l o v e l y l i n k s :
* travel: the lime wood boutique hotel
* at home: perfectly pretty
* impossibly adorable: a dutch dwarf bunny
* travel: the windmill hotel, kimolos island
* at the shops: truck furniture
* diy: lace shorts
* at home: white lights
* in the kitchen: a smoothie guide
* at the office: an interesting alternative to the ipad2
* in the news: another kate, another wedding
* & in monaco: a royal wedding
* seaside dreams: watery blues
* summer shopping: lace & more lace
* work of art: a beautiful book cover


{as always, a few things you may have missed:}
* happy monday & notes from the weekend
*style inspiration: white lace
* two lovely things: bright white & perfect pools of light
* endless summer & a few things
* places: in the kitchen
* lookbook: braøseweddå, vienna
* eco chic: hand-cut carafes & matching tumblrs
* all in a day's work: breezy dresses & linen blazers
* sophisticated seventies: brass étagère
* favourite five: jewelry designer suzie gallehugh

& n e w f o r t h e w e e k :

* how to: nautical-inspired matte moon manicure
* style inspiration: crisp summer whites
* work of art: photographic still lifes
* style inspiration: print & pattern

{images: one | two | three | four | five}


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