All Tied Up in a Bow: 90s Style

(Very 90s, no?)

Well, readers I don't have much of an explanation for this post. I went over to my parents house for the holiday weekend. On Monday my mom was off from work and decided we needed to clean out some drawers. Well, low and behold what did we find in the first drawer but my childhood hair bows. Yea, we're talking circa 1990-1996.

I couldn't resist but to take some photos of my favorites for you all. My mom and I reminisced for probably two hours about the bows and the outfits that went with the bows, it was a riot. So, here you are readers, for your viewing pleasure.....


Minnie always was one of my favorites

 Old McDonald had a farm

The Fourth of July Collection.....


Summertime bows....

Picnic, anyone?

 Here, fishy fishy

 I decided they made much more of a statement together.

 Basket of strawberries


Mardi Gras- Throw me somethin' mista!

 Merry Christmas!

Frilly Favorites.....

 Have you ever seen anything like it??

 Yep, that's no joke

 Gifted to me by my grandmother. I really wouldn't take anything for this one.

 I tried to put this one in Millie's hair, she wouldn't have it.

 Believe me, they get bigger....

  I told you they got bigger!

 I like to call this one the 'Jackson Pollock.'

And the last one, a Julie original made by my 5 year-old hands....

It's a classic! 

Seriously, have you ever seen anything like these? Didn't think so!


While we're on the topic of 90s fashion and hair accessories, I was completely obsessed with the Spice Girls! Anyone else? I actually own all the dolls and wouldn't dare get rid of them. Let's reminisce for a minute about some fabulous 90s things that I don't think will ever go out of style (ok, maybe they will got out of style, but I'll still love them just the same).

Welcome to Good Burger, home of the Good Burger, can I take your order?

If ya wannabe my lover....

I LOVED Daria!!

Clarissa always had all the answers.

Who likes you?

Once I got this phone I thought I was the shiz!

I think I read almost every book.

If my coworkers wouldn't make fun of me, I would use Lisa Frank.

GIGA PETS!! Who had one??

Leonardo was a total hunk (swoon)


 And these guys were always my favorite.

Clearly there are tons of other 90s things, but these are some of my faves.

What do you remember most about the nineties? Oh, and please tell me which of my hair bows is your pick!

Happy Tuesday!

Music Info:
Artist: N'SYNC
Song: Tearin' Up My Heart
Album: N'SYNC


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