Speaking Butterflies

(Images via 1, 2)


Happy Tuesday, friends!

I hope this finds you well and happy! As you know, I took a little break and spent yesterday floating on the lake with some lovely ladies- gossiping, laughing, and sunning. It was completely relaxing and the perfect remedy for a Monday.

As I was looking back through my posts from last week I realized there was a common thread among them all that I'm sure has left some of you wondering what in the world is going on in my life (and if we're friends on facebook, then you've been getting a double dose!). Of course, I don't want to bore you with all the little details, but in the past few weeks my world has been changed in the most significant way possible.

Most of you know that I had been happily single for the past two years- living a life full of anything and everything I wanted, never worrying about pleasing someone else or even looking for someone else, for that matter. People would tell me (what felt like every single day), "when you least expect it that's when you'll meet someone." I never believed that statement until recently, and then it happened. Call it what you want- butterflies, being swept off your feet, smitten, having your breath taken away, head over heels- I'm all of the above!

I wasn't sure when I wanted to share the news here, but today felt like as good a time as any. If anyone has ever felt as if they were floating on a cloud without their feet leaving the ground, it's me. The butterflies are uncontrollable and feel absolutely magical. I've never had someone that makes life seem so much more full of meaning and purpose. I've never had someone who's so uncomplicated, easy, effortless, and a breath of fresh air. I've said many times recently, "When it's right, it won't be hard." I never imagined that being with someone else could be so wonderful and bring me back to life the way he has.

I found this quote from Shannon that I think is just perfect. . .


"I do my thing, and you do your thing. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, it's beautiful."

-Frederick S. Perls


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