Progress and the Fright of My Life

Yesterday I spent some time making the name tags for our out of town guest welcome gifts. I just used the paper left over from the place cards and escort cards - it's gorgeous purple & pink papers that are recycled and printed with soy ink! (reducing our carbon footprint one place card at a time!!!) All the papers are different prints and shades of pink & purple so I think they'll be perfect since we aren't there to match everything so so. For the sake of anonymity for my guests, these are the blank spares:

While I did that, Mister did some packing!

Look at his cute little Groom hat!!!

After all our hard work, we settled in for some Jerk Chicken for dinner and watched some movies on tv again! It was very late when I stumbled on Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2 and really wanted to watch it, so we snuggled up with our tea and did just that! (it's so bad, but for some reason, I love those movies!)
All of a sudden, around 1 am we heard click clack click clack! I turned to see if the window was open and to my horror, found this guy:

He was perched on our window sill and couldn't find his way down! HE'S HUGE!!!!

So we went outside to have a look:

Look at the size of him! His leg span is long and his clippers are MASSIVE!!! SCAAARRRRRY!!!

Needless to say, I couldn't sleep for ages and when I did, I dreamed all night that crabs were pinching my toes! Scary!
Well, that's all for now from our Wild Kingdom home! We have today off for the Queen's Birthday so there's lots more work to do before we leave!
Happy Monday!
Pink Julep!


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