Everybody's Working for the Wedding!

I just wanted to thank everyone who left helpful comments on packing! I'm planning to implement all the wisdom bestowed on me starting this week or more likely, next weekend! But I thought I'd show you a photo of my progress... don't be shocked - this is just a start:

Told ya I was bad at packing!

I got a little slap happy mid-day and started taking pictures like a wild woman! Here's a sneak peak at my work station!

Behold what planning a wedding can do to your house:

What was once lovely and clean, now looks like this... notice the strategically placed deoderant on the table - not mine, so I have NO idea what it's doing there. (you can also almost see that the pink & purple things in the boxes are my escort cards (pink) and place cards (purple) - I made them myself on soy printed ink... reducing my carbon footprint, one useless party favor at a time!

A snap of my wedding notebook - a save the date magnet we made on the top, some grossgrain ribbon, a magazine ad for disney honeymoons and some stickers... this is my bible for the next 4 weeks!

At last, I finally submitted all the playlist information, forms, etc. for our DJ - it was a lengthy process and here I am (pardon the no make-up & hair - What? I was workin!!!) proudly showing off the fruits of my lawfully wedded labor!

And all the while, this Mr. Lazybones reads all day while I sweat, toil and stress over the details!
(Pay no mind to the hideous furniture - all homes in Cayman are pre-furnished. The only people who can buy their own are people who own their home, but when you buy it, you must also buy what's in it - I would never have chosen this Golden Girls chic statement of a couch, but whatevs... we won't be here any longer than 7 years... the law doesn't allow ex-pats to stay very long.)

After he tired of relaxation, my mister went out to grab some tasy treats... and look, he even brought me things that are semi-low cal, fat free and coordinated in our wedding colors! How sweet is he????

And I did it all today while watching episode after episode of my Sex in the City complete series boxed set!!! It's been a good day and I'm officially no longer behind on my work! YAY!!!!!
Pink Julep!


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