It's Friday. I'm in Love.

Hello! It's rainy and nasty here today. Boo! And I have class, double boo! But it's Friday and there are lots of things I'm in love with today!

1. This lady's vlog! I love youuuu!

2. I will be reunited with my bff in six days!! And she will be getting married one week from tomorrow!!!

3. This beautiful picture that was posted on the Sartorialist yesterday.

4. The wine I posted about last weekend and the shop that it came from! It's red and sweet and a little fizzy and sends bubbles through my veins!

5. The new bulletin board I got for my office! I will post a picture next week!

6. This SATC 2 photo I found last night on the facebook page. I.freakin'.die.

7. My new blog look. I lurve it!

8. This picture of Christina Aguilera's kitchen/sitting area that this lady posted yesterday.

9. This picture I found on we heart it a couple days ago.

10. These braids I found on this lady's blog! I love them!

11. Finally, in honor of the rain, this fabulous birdcage umbrella!

Have a beautiful day, everyone!


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