Hello, everyone! Ok, so I did a final video with answers to your questions, but for some reason once I uploaded it the sound is off. My mouth moves before the words come out, lol. And I am far too OCD to upload the video. So, I'm going to have to just do a regular post for the last group of questions. But I will include some pictures to make it more exciting, k?
Natasha asked:
Where do you get your cute pictures that you use on your blog?
I get most of them from we heart it. I love that website! And there's a search box that you can put in a keyword and get great pictures back!
Just for fun, what's your favorite go-to outfit?
Well, I have one for the winter and one for the summer. Obviously, right? Ok, for winter I love jeans, a Ralph Lauren button down oxford, cute flats and silver jewelry. For summer my go-to outfit is a sundress! I love sundresses! I can't wait until it's warm enough to break out the dresses and sandals!
Jennifer asked:
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
Well, I would have to say graduating from college last year is my greatest accomplishment. I'm only 23 so there are many years ahead for accomplishment. However, next summer when I'm finished with my master's that will definitely be bumped up to first place!
Caitlin asked:
What was your first kiss like- age and all!
Ok, you guys, I told you my bra size in a post the other day and now I'm telling you about my first kiss. I clearly lack personal boundaries! You all know practically everything about me! Ok, I was in seventh grade and a really cute eighth grader asked me to the eighth grade prom (I know, I was a baller). We kissed while we were dancing. It was big deal! Wanna know the best part?? We both had braces! Ok. I'm done with that.
Silvia asked:
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I would love to live near a beach! Or at least somewhere that's close to a beach. I think Savannah, Georgia is one of the most charming little towns. I also really love Charleston, South Carolina for the same reason. And you all know my love for New Orleans. Those are just a few of my favorites. Clearly, I want to stay in the south :)
(Savannah, GA)
Kassie asked:
Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?
This was really hard for me to answer. I'm definitely a planner but not this much! In five years I will be 28 years old. I hope to still be working at the same school. I really really love it there! Maybe I will be married? I think it would be nice to have a family (or at least be moving toward having a family) of my own. It's really hard for me to think about where I will be that far in the future. Especially, in ten years. Wow. I will be 33. Let me say this, wherever I am in five years or ten years, that is where I should be. I think God has a plan for me, and whatever happens, happens.
Kelly asked:
If you could only wear one brand of clothing for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I know you said just one brand but I have two! I'm sorry, I can't pick! I definitely love Lilly Pullitzer. I think it's so fun and you can find pieces for all ages. And if I could find pieces at Anthropologie when I'm 75 then that is my first pick!
(I could definitely rock that outfit at 75)
What are three things you never leave the house without?
My cell phone, my debit card and Burt's Bees. That was an easy one!
Thank you all so much for your questions! They were wonderful! I hope you enjoyed the Q&A as much as I did! Some of you asked me to do a makeup how-to video. That could be fun! I'm still waiting for your videos, ladies!
Don't think I've forgotten :)
Love you!
Just for fun, what's your favorite go-to outfit?
Well, I have one for the winter and one for the summer. Obviously, right? Ok, for winter I love jeans, a Ralph Lauren button down oxford, cute flats and silver jewelry. For summer my go-to outfit is a sundress! I love sundresses! I can't wait until it's warm enough to break out the dresses and sandals!
Jennifer asked:
What is your greatest accomplishment to date?
Well, I would have to say graduating from college last year is my greatest accomplishment. I'm only 23 so there are many years ahead for accomplishment. However, next summer when I'm finished with my master's that will definitely be bumped up to first place!
Caitlin asked:
What was your first kiss like- age and all!
Ok, you guys, I told you my bra size in a post the other day and now I'm telling you about my first kiss. I clearly lack personal boundaries! You all know practically everything about me! Ok, I was in seventh grade and a really cute eighth grader asked me to the eighth grade prom (I know, I was a baller). We kissed while we were dancing. It was big deal! Wanna know the best part?? We both had braces! Ok. I'm done with that.
Silvia asked:
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be and why?
I would love to live near a beach! Or at least somewhere that's close to a beach. I think Savannah, Georgia is one of the most charming little towns. I also really love Charleston, South Carolina for the same reason. And you all know my love for New Orleans. Those are just a few of my favorites. Clearly, I want to stay in the south :)
(Savannah, GA)
Kassie asked:
Where do you see yourself in five years? Ten?
This was really hard for me to answer. I'm definitely a planner but not this much! In five years I will be 28 years old. I hope to still be working at the same school. I really really love it there! Maybe I will be married? I think it would be nice to have a family (or at least be moving toward having a family) of my own. It's really hard for me to think about where I will be that far in the future. Especially, in ten years. Wow. I will be 33. Let me say this, wherever I am in five years or ten years, that is where I should be. I think God has a plan for me, and whatever happens, happens.
Kelly asked:
If you could only wear one brand of clothing for the rest of your life, which would it be?
I know you said just one brand but I have two! I'm sorry, I can't pick! I definitely love Lilly Pullitzer. I think it's so fun and you can find pieces for all ages. And if I could find pieces at Anthropologie when I'm 75 then that is my first pick!
(I could definitely rock that outfit at 75)
What are three things you never leave the house without?
My cell phone, my debit card and Burt's Bees. That was an easy one!
Thank you all so much for your questions! They were wonderful! I hope you enjoyed the Q&A as much as I did! Some of you asked me to do a makeup how-to video. That could be fun! I'm still waiting for your videos, ladies!
Don't think I've forgotten :)
Love you!
(Photos via weheartit and google)
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