Product Reviews: Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo Spray and Powder

I have been wanting to try dry shampoo for a long time so recently I bought a few versions from Sephora to try and I LOVE the stuff! It gives my hair body, covers roots, and doesn't dull the color as I predicted it would! This whole idea has been around for years and years as my granny used to tell me that back in the old days they would put talcum powder or baby powder in their hair to make it poof better!

The first one I tried is the Oscar Blandi Pronto Dry Shampoo spray. I loved this product so much that I immediately went back to buy more the next day having not even tried the powder version. The drawbacks of the spray however are that it doesn't last too long and the nozzle is forever getting clogged! But I feel with the spray, you get a nicer texture and shine in your hair and it's easier to apply it evenly and in hard to reach areas in the back of your head.

The Oscar Blandi Dry Shampoo powder version is great as well! I've used this one only a couple of times. It's tricky to figure out how much to use and how to apply it just right, but you do get a little more control with the powder in terms of quantity than you do with the spray. The drawback of the powder is that if you apply too much, it takes ages to get it brushed through so you don't have powder white tiger strips across your head! The good thing about the powder is that it is definitely going to last three times longer than the spray because it's more concentrated and as I said before you can control how much you're using.
All in all I think both of these products are great!!! I still haven't tried the Frederick Fekkai version of dry shampoo yet, but I will review it once I have. If you're a fan of the poof, then I would say run, don't walk to your nearest Sephora and invest in some Oscar Blandi dry shampoo! It runs about $11 to $25 depending on the size you get, but it's worth it. I even use it sometimes when my hair is clean because it makes it poof amazingly!!!
Pink Julep!


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